Now in Downloadable Book Format
format contains text and photographs or illustrations by
the author.
The journal is a wonderful and highly underrated genre!
A journal kept by a thoughtful, observant person can be
filled with useful and beautiful insights. Let author, poet,
artist, and traveling musician Michael D. Purvis take you
on a delightful journey as you travel with him through his
life and on his many trips to perform uplifting, musical
programs for the elderly at Elder care facilities.
In these four volumes of journals, Michael shares his daily
life and his spiritual journey with you, including: epiphanies,
synchronicities, relationship growing pains, evolving spirituality,
and new insights. You will find it's informative and reassuring
to experience an in depth look into the life of someone
who, like yourself, is paying attention to the influence
of Spirit in their life. Perhaps you'll even become inspired
to keep your own journal. Remember, journal keeping is great
therapy and a wonderful spiritual tool which aids one in
personal development and transformation!
on a Volume Number Below
for more Information
you experienced books of journals yet? They are delightful,
and perfect reading for the busy, spiritually minded individual.
We can learn so much from each other! Join Michael on the
road as he records his thoughts & insights, each day
on his way to perform uplifting musical programs. These
are the Insightful, thought-provoking journal entries of
a seeker of truth and transcendence, plus artwork and photographs
by the author, Michael D. Purvis. (Recording includes meditative
musical interludes, which make this series a wonderful tool
for prayer or meditation time)
that you've experienced volume one, here are more insightful,
thought-provoking journal entries of a seeker, plus artwork
and photographs by the author, Michael D. Purvis! (Recording
includes meditative musical interludes, which make this
series a wonderful tool for prayer or meditation time)
journals a fascinating and underrated genre? If you've
enjoyed volumes one and two, and are hooked on this series,
you' ll love this third collection of insightful journal
entries of a seeker, with artwork and photographs by the
author, Michael D. Purvis. (Recording includes meditative
musical interludes, which make this series a wonderful tool
for prayer or meditation time)
you are on a journey, learning and growing, you'll love
this final volume, volume four! Be on the look out for
more volumes to come! (Recording includes meditative musical
interludes, which make this series a wonderful tool for
prayer or meditation time)