In our increasingly complex world, it isn't easy to be a young adult...
So many choices, so many influences- The decisions we make and the direction
we take at this age is so important!
Adulthood is an important time!

Change Books and Media from Music-Outreach Publishing
Our series of books, cds and videos
for young adults is designed especially for the young and speaks right
to the heart of what it means to be young with all of life's wonderful
road ahead. You'll find well written, positive materials which present
thoughtful, positive treatments of subjects apropos to the young adult
reader. Abundant Change offers the young adult reader the opportunity
to think, carefully consider, and grow through positive books and media
written especially for them!
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Young Adults |

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audio sample
A story for adults
and young adults on memory, dream, relationship, time
and the complexity of the human spirit.
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Downloadable Video Format
Benjamin Kraft was
dreaming, day dreaming at his desk. He was thirty
years old, and sat very neatly at his desk in the navy
blazer and tie he had carefully chosen before leaving
home this morning. Perched over a large pile of papers
and filled with figures calling out to be checked, he
knew what awaited him. All of these must be checked
over with a fine-tooth comb. They had to be moved quickly
to the "taken care of "pile on his tidy desk.
It was what successful young accountants did. And yet,
somehow he could not bring himself to do it.
"What is wrong
with me this morning?" he thought; and then
suddenly knew the answer.
It was the song.
Whether he liked it or not, he was in the land of
memory, and it was all because of that song. It was
one of the costs of being an accountant with the heart
of a poet. Accountants could ignore things like songs.
Poets could not. Benjamin sighed, and thought of how
this morning had begun
Written by Michael
D. Purvis

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audio sample
A story for young
adults and adults on change,
growth, coming of age, and coming into our own.
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Downloadable Video Format
James and John lived
a wonderful life as boys, and much of this was due to
their delightful parents. Their parents were, you
see, rather unusual sorts.
The mother of the
family was a writer and an artist. This made her
an especially sensitive and unique mother, who had keen
powers of observation and who promoted this in her children.
The boys' father
was a kind of renaissance man, a "man for all seasons,"
many said. He had been a cowboy in his youth and
a rodeo rider. After his wild west days, he had for
a large part of his life been a journalist who traveled
all over the world. Finally, though, he settled with
his beautiful artist-writer wife on a farm where this
kindly and accomplished duo proceeded to make a rather
idyllic life, publishing books and a newspaper together
amongst other activities.
They loved their
life on the farm, this unusual couple. They loved
it all: riding horses, writing and publishing, growing
their own organic food, and even running a small greenhouse
which contained rare, hard to find plants. They were
such interesting people and had many friends.
This begins our story.
But as is wont to happen in life change quickly
ensues for our little family. What will they do? How
will they handle this change? Sit down, have a good
read and see! We are all sojourners in life making our
earthly journey, changing and growing and coming into
our own!
Written by Michael
D. Purvis

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audio sample
A Travel Journal
of Greece, Growth and Transformation for Adults and
Young Adults.
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
I hope you enjoy
being an armchair traveler through this book.
I hope, too, it will inspire you to travel when you
can. But always, whether you can physically travel or
not, make an inner journey. Make a sojourn, a love-filled,
spirit-filled experience of your life.
This is my prayer
for you. Let there be mountaintop experiences,
journeys of learning and heart expansion for each of
you. And let us notice how nature, how people, how cultures
and history reflect these journeys and these mountaintop
experiences. No matter how dull we may perceive our
lives to be, we human beings can expand our horizons
if we open our minds, hearts, and spirits to the expansion.
May this book inspire
you to record your own thoughts and feelings when you
travel to a far away place or are just traveling through
your own, seemingly ordinary life. May you see
and experience beauty and love wherever you go!
Written by Michael
D. Purvis

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audio sample
Steve and the Mysterious Chicken!
A story for children, youths and the young at heart
which helps to promote an appreciation for the importance
of mystery, creativity, perseverance, and life-purpose.
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
Grandpa Steve
lived on a big farm. It was way out in the country,
and a much farther distance than little Travis, Grandpa
Steve's grandson, could ride on his bicycle. It was
located on a large piece of property which lay past
the convent, across the railroad tracks, and on the
other side of the highway which carried everyone from
the big city to the little town in which Travis lived.
And so begins our story.
Who would guess that Grandpa Steve, whom little Travis
so loved to visit, would come to change and help the
whole world? Who would guess as well that Grammie Marnie,
the long- suffering wife of Grandpa Steve was not the
only other inhabitant of this farm? There was as well,
co-existing on this farm, a 'mysterious chicken' embodying
the presence of mystery, as well as other unseen intangible
What were these presences?
There was the unshakeable belief of Grammie Marnie and
her daughter in the benign presence of Mother Mary who
stood in her shrine down the road. There was, too, the
belief in the presence of the mysterious chicken by
Grandpa Steve and his grandson, Travis. And, there was
the presence of perseverance in Grandpa Steve as he
'tinkered with all his test tubes.'
What would be the fruit
of all these intangible yet oh so important presences?
Could the mysterious chicken be the symbol for something
important to the family who would come to witness a
strange, unusual and wonderful event on this farm?
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

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audio sample
Mr. Langsford
A story for young
adults and adults focusing on the power of memory and
the present moment to:
co-exist and interweave in our hearts, minds and spirits
· move us, shape us, and transform us
· encourage us to consider the nature of time
· help us notice how our past and our present
· consider our past, yet choose to be in our
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Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
asks himself (and the reader too) if this merger of
time "might not be a law of the universe, a part
of the matrix of time"...
This is a crucial question, yet more importantly, this
magical day is posing for both protagonist and reader
not just questions about the nature of time, but also
about our experience of it and our relationship to:
the self, the world, those in the world, the past and
the future. Come and drink from this inspiring little
book. See if it does not instigate many questions, and
perhaps, as well, help you to find some of your own
answers, answers about your individual and unique relationship
to yourself, your world, your past, present and future.
Written, Illustrated,
and Photographed
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Most Unusual Boy
A Fable of Spiritual Discovery and Life-lessons
for Young Adults who Desire to Keep the Heart and Spirit
Open to Guidance from Within!
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Downloadable Video Format
A boy whose father was a sojourner,
a traveler, a lifelong seeker and student of humanity
and wisdom is now a young man....
On the verge of manhood, he sets out to trace his father's
footsteps, and see what he can learn.
Armed with gifts from many, with
an innate ability to notice thoughtfully all he encounters
and to trust his guidance from within...
he sets off on a magical journey, trusting, learning,
and finding his truth and destiny along the way.
He seems indeed, a most unusual
and has a great deal to teach us, as we follow his journey.
Young adults, adults, and youths
alike will delight in this magical book of personal
and mystical discovery!

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audio sample
of Longing
A Story for all those on the Road of Life… about Rites
of Passage for a Beloved Son and his Widowed Father
and Openness to Guidance from Within!
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Downloadable Video Format
By the side of the highway, a widowed
father sits alone in the control room, behind the lone
microphone of a tiny rural, radio station...
He alone spins the records and is the
sole voice.
In between speaking and spinning...
he thinks of all he has lost in his life- his wife,
his career, perhaps his hope.
What series of fates have brought
him to this desolate rural setting?
Then, seemingly out of the blue,
comes the approach of his beloved son's departure for
college and entry into the world...
In the light of this departure,
he realizes
this tower and all it symbolizes does indeed now seem
to have taken on a new meaning...
Adults and young adults alike will
delight in this magical book of personal and mystical

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audio sample
a Solitary Life
A Journal which Contemplates
becoming a Contemplative Solitary
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Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
was a time in my life when I was a young man, and very
earnestly searching for God. It was a very lonely
time for me, and the church, with its monastic traditions,
eremitic traditions, contemplative tradition, prayer
life, sacramentals, great saints and contemplatives
appealed to me and comforted me a great deal. They still
am on a broader, more universal spiritual path now,
and decidedly not a solitary one. And yet, I feel
that the journals I recorded during this period are
of value to me and to those who might be on their own
journey, wrestling with a life of contemplation, eremeticism,
prayer or priesthood.
so, I offer them humbly, to serve whatever positive
purpose they might offer to seekers. Of course,
you will find them highly influenced by Thomas Merton,
for I had read, during this period in my life, his Seven
Story Mountain, and other books by and about him.
I made a trip to Gethsemene Monastery, where he lived
and had his hermitage, which I was blessed to see and
wish you, dear reader, all the fruit that your journey
into the life of the spirit might offer. I bless
and affirm your spiritual process, and know for you
that it will create a life of peace, service and fulfillment,
if you do your wrestling, praying, contemplating and
growing, as seekers must do. In truth, all humans must
do this, for we are all seekers, whether we are aware
of it or not! Peace and love to each of you. "All
shall be well," as the famous mystic has said.
Go with God.
Written, Illustrated,
and Photographed
by Michael D. Purvis

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audio sample
Maiden Who Was Too Sensitive
for this World
A Story for Youths, Young
Adults and Adults
in which a Young Maiden Goes out into the World
and finds Inner Strength, Divine Guidance,
Reconciliation and Transformation
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
Maiden who was too Sensitive for this World
has something of the fable in it, but it is a story
for our times, and has a great deal to say to people
of our day, young or old. Youths and young adults
will enjoy the "going out into the world"
aspect of the story, and be excited by the possibilities
for "anything is possible" which it represents.
Adults will enjoy being transported back to youth, when
life just begins and the journey is new. All will thrill
to the vision of a world which is changed for the better
by the young maiden, the events she encounters, her
openness to her inner self and the Divine, and the courageous,
life-enhancing decisions she makes, based upon guidance
from within.
guidance comes to her in the form of three guardian
spirits: that of her earthly father, her guardian
angel, and the spirit of God. Oh, if we all could all
be so trusting, open and courageous as our young maiden
as regards guidance from within
Well, perhaps
we can! We are never to young or to old to learn, grow,
and be guided. We are never too old to transform our
lives, relationships or world, as this delightful story
sit down in a comfortable chair, relax, open your mind
and heart, and prepare to experience a world of youth,
optimism, personal and planetary transformation in this
delightful tale!
the Author...
D. Purvis, BME, is a graduate of Jordan College of Fine Arts, Butler
University. A lifelong student and seeker of truth, Mr. Purvis authors
books, composes music, and makes recordings for those seeking spiritual
and practical guidance for their life-journey. Michael's materials
are designed to aid readers and listeners in getting clear about
their individual purpose, and thus enable them to move in the direction
of a life of meaning, purpose, abundance, and service. Michael has
seen in his own experience how clarity, sincere desire, purity of
intention, and consistent effort can truly move one in the direction
of significant positive change, and he wants to share this message
with the world....CLICK
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