You know there are so many influences upon the young today... and today's
media isn't always a good one.
a positive influence upon the youths in your life!

Change Books and Media from Music-Outreach Publishing
Our series of books, cds and videos
for youths is designed especially for the young and features delightful
and meaningful stories. Abundant Change books are well written and often
illustrated. Our recordings feature an engaging delivery which will hold
the attention of children. The themes of our books and media will delight
youths and give parents confidence that their youth are receiving positive
messages which will help them grow and make good decisions in their young
lives. Abundant Change offers the young reader the opportunity to think,
carefully consider, and grow through positive books and media written
especially for them!
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More Information about each book or recording, for ordering, excerpts,
and audio samples.... Click on pictures in yellow product boxes below.
Youths |

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audio sample
Steve and the Mysterious Chicken!
A story for children, youths and the young at heart
which helps to promote an appreciation for the importance
of mystery, creativity, perseverance, and life-purpose.
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
Grandpa Steve
lived on a big farm. It was way out in the country,
and a much farther distance than little Travis, Grandpa
Steve's grandson, could ride on his bicycle. It was
located on a large piece of property which lay past
the convent, across the railroad tracks, and on the
other side of the highway which carried everyone from
the big city to the little town in which Travis lived.
And so begins our story.
Who would guess that Grandpa Steve, whom little Travis
so loved to visit, would come to change and help the
whole world? Who would guess as well that Grammie Marnie,
the long- suffering wife of Grandpa Steve was not the
only other inhabitant of this farm? There was as well,
co-existing on this farm, a 'mysterious chicken' embodying
the presence of mystery, as well as other unseen intangible
What were these presences?
There was the unshakeable belief of Grammie Marnie and
her daughter in the benign presence of Mother Mary who
stood in her shrine down the road. There was, too, the
belief in the presence of the mysterious chicken by
Grandpa Steve and his grandson, Travis. And, there was
the presence of perseverance in Grandpa Steve as he
'tinkered with all his test tubes.'
What would be the fruit
of all these intangible yet oh so important presences?
Could the mysterious chicken be the symbol for something
important to the family who would come to witness a
strange, unusual and wonderful event on this farm?
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Chipmunks Knew
A story for children, youths and the young at heart
in which a young girl deals with the threat of divorce
and finds support and understanding through a special
little friend.
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
What a complex world we live in!
And, as we all know, it grows increasingly more complex
with each day. In some ways this is good, in others
Surely it must be especially perplexing
for the young, who must make sense of it all, with ever
increasing agility. Will they be able to increase in
this agility with each generation, and keep pace with
our world? One wonders. But one must also have hope,
and try to provide support and tools which may be of
help to them.
Hope, trust, magic, love- we need
these in abundance! No matter our age in years, we need
these qualities in us and in all of our relationships.
It is my prayer that this little story
will help you, and help readers of all ages to pull
these qualities up from the deep well that is inside
each of us. May you utilize and depend on these qualities
as the great mitigators, healers, and joy-bringers that
they are. They are all of these indeed, even in the
midst of growing pains of all sorts, troubled times,
and difficulties in our relationships.
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Most Unusual Boy
A Fable of Spiritual Discovery and Life-lessons
for Young Adults who Desire to Keep the Heart and Spirit
Open to Guidance from Within!
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
A boy whose father was a sojourner,
a traveler, a lifelong seeker and student of humanity
and wisdom is now a young man....
On the verge of manhood, he sets out to trace his father's
footsteps, and see what he can learn.
Armed with gifts from many, with
an innate ability to notice thoughtfully all he encounters
and to trust his guidance from within...
he sets off on a magical journey, trusting, learning,
and finding his truth and destiny along the way.
He seems indeed, a most unusual
and has a great deal to teach us, as we follow his journey.
Young adults, adults, and youths
alike will delight in this magical book of personal
and mystical discovery!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Saves the Day
A Fable for
Youths and the Young at Heart
about the Importance of Music and the Arts
to People and the World.
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
In a beautiful kingdom by the
sea, lived a people to whom music and the arts were
the most important thing in the land...
Everything beautiful in their world! Oh, they
were very happy!
All was blessed indeed, until
one day...
the evil sorcerer who lived in the craggy depths, in
the damp dark cave at the bottom of the cliff at the
edge of the kingdom, finally had enough of all the music
and laughter in this musical kingdom.
For, if the truth be told...
the music he heard coming from the kingdom made his
tummy ache.
"Someday, someday,"
he would cry...
"I'll make their instrument strings go plunk and
"I'll turn their melodious voices
to gravely rasps!" he would seethe.
"But how to do it?" the old
sorcerer mused.
Will the sorcerer be successful?...
Or will music "Save the Day?"
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Top and Big Red
A story for Children and Youths about the qualities
in us that really matter!
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
When a young boy, who has always
been raised to believe he is special and very good receives
some teasing at school over his red hair,
it is an opportunity for learning some tough lessons
about the nature of the world.
Through learning to trust wisdom
from his mother and father, and embracing his own fortitude,
our young protagonist, Eddie, comes to truly understand
the words of his beloved grandmother, who always said,
'The Lord works in mysterious ways!"
In the past, he hadn't really understood what she
meant when she said this (and she said it quite often!)
But now, when he thinks about his trouble with the boys
at school who call him "Carrot-Top," and how a special
Show and Tell and a beloved, big red dog have helped
him to make friends, he thinks maybe he understands
just a little of what his grandmother meant.
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Maiden Who Was Too Sensitive
for this World
A Story for Youths, Young
Adults and Adults
in which a Young Maiden Goes out into the World
and finds Inner Strength, Divine Guidance,
Reconciliation and Transformation
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
Maiden who was too Sensitive for this World
has something of the fable in it, but it is a story
for our times, and has a great deal to say to people
of our day, young or old. Youths and young adults
will enjoy the "going out into the world"
aspect of the story, and be excited by the possibilities
for "anything is possible" which it represents.
Adults will enjoy being transported back to youth, when
life just begins and the journey is new. All will thrill
to the vision of a world which is changed for the better
by the young maiden, the events she encounters, her
openness to her inner self and the Divine, and the courageous,
life-enhancing decisions she makes, based upon guidance
from within.
guidance comes to her in the form of three guardian
spirits: that of her earthly father, her guardian
angel, and the spirit of God. Oh, if we all could all
be so trusting, open and courageous as our young maiden
as regards guidance from within
Well, perhaps
we can! We are never to young or to old to learn, grow,
and be guided. We are never too old to transform our
lives, relationships or world, as this delightful story
sit down in a comfortable chair, relax, open your mind
and heart, and prepare to experience a world of youth,
optimism, personal and planetary transformation in this
delightful tale!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Mother Duck and the Mayor
Who Understood Love
A story for children, youths
and the young at heart which helps to promote love,
tolerance, and appreciation of diversity
Now in:
Downloadable Book and CD Format
Available soon in:
Downloadable Video Format
world is increasingly diverse, and increasingly in need
of love and tolerance. If we could only see what
a blessing it is that we are all different, have different
beliefs, and come from different cultures, places and
life paths. The Mother Duck and the Mayor who Understood
Love is a wonderful little story which illustrates
this point in a delightful, sensible way. Oh, if we
all had the sense of our mother duck! She is an inspiration
to us all. Perhaps there is an "inner mother duck"
and gifted, conciliatory mayor within all of us just
waiting to come out and bless and heal our world.
the Author...
D. Purvis, BME, is a graduate of Jordan College of Fine Arts, Butler
University. A lifelong student and seeker of truth, Mr. Purvis authors
books, composes music, and makes recordings for those seeking spiritual
and practical guidance for their life-journey. Michael's materials
are designed to aid readers and listeners in getting clear about
their individual purpose, and thus enable them to move in the direction
of a life of meaning, purpose, abundance, and service. Michael has
seen in his own experience how clarity, sincere desire, purity of
intention, and consistent effort can truly move one in the direction
of significant positive change, and he wants to share this message
with the world....CLICK
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