AbundantChange.com, we strive to:
help adults realize their dreams and reach their potential
affirm couples and spouses
delight and uplift senior citizens
positvely guide and motivate children, youths and young adults
through affordable & FREE fiction, journals, poetry, music and self help materials in book, CD, cassette and video formats. |
Change Recordings from Music-Outreach Publishing
you ready to take an incredible, beautiful, love-filled, and life-expanding
journey together?
to each Category of Books and Recordings
on the category of Books and recordings you are interested in
with our quick product links directly below:
More Information about each book or recording,
for ordering, excerpts, and audio samples....
Click on pictures in yellow product boxes below.
Adults |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
for Healing
with Michael D. Purvis, BME
A Musical, Affirmational, Soothing, Healing Journey
which is for People of all Outlooks and Spiritual Paths
and which Helps any one Become a Part of their own Healing
Process of Body, Mind and Spirit!
Now in
CD, Cassette
Let author, poet and composer
Michael D. Purvis take those you work with, love or
care for (or even you, yourself!) on a musical, affirmational,
healing journey which empowers the listener to:
for healing, affirm/pray for healing (in an inclusive
with all the prayers for healing throughout the
that "all shall be well"
financial and temporal security during the healing
the purpose of illness and "dis-ease"
How is this recording useful for
people of any age?
works well for any one of any outlook or spiritual
for those who are ill, depressed or recovering:
at home, in eldercare, hospital or hospice
inclusive, non-threatening, and soothing!
promotes healing of body, mind, and spirit!
frame of mind, and sense of participation in the
healing process.
for enhancing one-on-one visits, or to pop in the
player after a visit by a professional, family member
or caregiver
...Beneficial for any one of any
age, outlook or spiritual path!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Songs of Spirit and Humanity
A beautiful collection of original
songs about life, humanity and spirit! Written, orchestrated,
and performed by Michael D. Purvis
CD, Cassette, and with accompanying
large print booklet
Here are some ideas how you might
use this recording:
For an individual:
Within is perfect for individual prayer, meditation,
or relaxing meditative listening enjoyment...
A professional, caregiver or family
member might pop this recording in the player for someone
in hospital, long-term care, or hospice to listen to
after a one-on-one visit!
For a group:
The lyrics are thought provoking, and could be the subject
of a discussion with a group.
Adult Sunday School Class
Adult Discussion Group
A Group of Elderly Folks
A Group of Young Adults
Church Youth Group

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
A New Musical Genre!
A Unique, New CD/Cassette
Composer Michael D. Purvis and spiritual visionary Rev.
Jackie Martin have created a new genre of music: "Spirit-Music."
Now in
CD, Cassette
Michael and Jackie created this
entire CD by allowing themselves to be led by Spirit!
No plans were made for the recording
of this music...
they simply sat down in the studio and let Spirit "speak".
The result is truly amazing and beautiful music!
You will especially enjoy the
"spirit language" which leapt out of their
and the music of the Spirit Harp, a new instrument
which Jackie created, and which both Michael and Jackie
play on this wonderful, uplifting recording.
Great for before, during, or after
prayer or meditation time... or just for joyful everyday

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
of Spirit and Humanity
A Beautiful Large Print Book of Poems with a 40 Page
Section of Color Art Prints! and a Lovely Poetry Recording
format with Soothing Music
now in:
CD, Cassette, and Large Print
Book with Forty Page Color Art Print Section
Do you, someone you love, or someone
in your care
who gravitate toward the spiritual?
Poems of Spirit and Humanity is
perfect enrichment material...
for a special prayer time or bible study. Its recurrent
theme of the soul searching for God and Spirit will
strike a familiar chord in all who are seekers after
God and His love.
In the recording of this work:
Michael reads his poetry in a clear, expressive voice.
Poems are interspersed with beautiful original musical
Regarding the large print book:
Spiritually-oriented individuals of any age will enjoy
reading it. Activity
Directors, Social Workers, Pastors
and Chaplains, family members and caregivers will want
to use it
as a resource for group work and one on one visits with
those in home care, long-term care, hospital and hospice

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
and Quill Series,
Poems and Music for Life's Journey
Inspiring Original Poems with Musical Interludes:
Great for Prayer/Meditation Time or Everyday Reading!
One available now in book, CD and cassette
Volume One available soon in
Volumes Two - Five available Soon in
book, CD, audio cassette, and
Volume 1:
Have you forgotten the joys of good poetry?
Volume 2:
Hooked on uplifting poetry, beautiful artwork and photographs,
and meditative music yet?
Volume 3:
Read or listen to this delightful collection, and just
maybe you'll be ready to start doing some creating of
your own- let this series and this volume be a catalyst
for the budding poet and artist in you!
Volume 4:
A fourth collection of uplifting, moving and delightful
poems, artwork and photographs on humanity, stories,
nature, love, memory/dreams, family, individual portraits,
personal perspective, and spirituality.
Volume 5:
Early poems, plus more recent artwork and photographs.

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Troubadour Journal Series
Insightful Journal Entries with Musical Interludes-
Great for Prayer/Meditation Time or Anytime!
1 Available Now in Book, CD and cassette
Available soon in video
Vol. 2-4 Available soon in CD, audio cassette and video
Volume 1:
Have you experienced books of journals yet? They are
delightful, and perfect reading for the busy, spiritually
minded individual.
Volume 2:
Now that you've experienced volume one, here are more
insightful, thought-provoking journal entries of a seeker.
Volume 3:
Aren't journals a fascinating and underrated genre?
Volume 4:
If you are on a journey, learning and growing, you'll
love this final volume, volume four!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
of Longing
A Story for all those on the Road of Life… about Rites
of Passage for a Beloved Son and his Widowed Father
and Openness to Guidance from Within!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette
By the side of the highway, a widowed
father sits alone in the control room, behind the lone
microphone of a tiny rural, radio station...
He alone spins the records and is the
sole voice.
In between speaking and spinning...
he thinks of all he has lost in his life- his wife,
his career, perhaps his hope.
What series of fates have brought
him to this desolate rural setting?
Then, seemingly out of the blue,
comes the approach of his beloved son's departure for
college and entry into the world...
In the light of this departure,
he realizes
this tower and all it symbolizes does indeed now seem
to have taken on a new meaning...
Adults and young adults alike will
delight in this magical book of personal and mystical

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Sounds of Your Life!
by Michael D. Purvis and Michael Levy
Now in book, CD and cassette
Available Soon in:
Let author Michael Levy and author
and composer Michael D. Purvis take you on a wonderful
journey which will feed your soul and enhance the quality
of your life! In our world, so full of noise and
distractions, it's not easy to get quiet, learn to listen,
and begin to hear the sound of love and Spirit in us
and around us- but we can do it!
And, what a marvelous and joy-filled
life we begin to have when we start to tune into this
music of our souls. We begin to heal, enjoy life,
manifest our dreams- and to create! In short, we begin
to live the authentic life of the soul

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
a Solitary Life
A Journal which Contemplates
becoming a Contemplative Solitary
Now in book, CD and cassette
Available Soon in:
was a time in my life when I was a young man, and very
earnestly searching for God. It was a very lonely
time for me, and the church, with its monastic traditions,
eremitic traditions, contemplative tradition, prayer
life, sacramentals, great saints and contemplatives
appealed to me and comforted me a great deal. They still
am on a broader, more universal spiritual path now,
and decidedly not a solitary one. And yet, I feel
that the journals I recorded during this period are
of value to me and to those who might be on their own
journey, wrestling with a life of contemplation, eremeticism,
prayer or priesthood.
so, I offer them humbly, to serve whatever positive
purpose they might offer to seekers. Of course,
you will find them highly influenced by Thomas Merton,
for I had read, during this period in my life, his Seven
Story Mountain, and other books by and about him.
I made a trip to Gethsemene Monastery, where he lived
and had his hermitage, which I was blessed to see and
wish you, dear reader, all the fruit that your journey
into the life of the spirit might offer. I bless
and affirm your spiritual process, and know for you
that it will create a life of peace, service and fulfillment,
if you do your wrestling, praying, contemplating and
growing, as seekers must do. In truth, all humans must
do this, for we are all seekers, whether we are aware
of it or not! Peace and love to each of you. "All
shall be well," as the famous mystic has said.
Go with God.
Written, Illustrated,
and Photographed
by Michael D. Purvis
Couples |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
A Book for Spouses and Partners
A wonderful gift for you and the one you love!
Now in book
Do you & your spouse or partner
each other little notes?
Sometimes a little note says it
"I'm sorry…," "I love You…,"
"Thank you…,"
"You dirty rat, I'm so mad at you!"
This is a delightful book for
you and your significant other...
Enjoy it separately or together. Either way, you'll
both smile and laugh as you recognize quite a bit of
Makes a great gift to the one you
For an anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day-
or any day!
Seniors |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
for Healing
with Michael D. Purvis, BME
A Musical, Affirmational, Soothing, Healing Journey
which is for People of all Outlooks and Spiritual Paths
and which Helps any one Become a Part of their own Healing
Process of Body, Mind and Spirit!
Now in
CD, Cassette
Let author, poet and composer
Michael D. Purvis take those you work with, love or
care for (or even you, yourself!) on a musical, affirmational,
healing journey which empowers the listener to:
for healing, affirm/pray for healing (in an inclusive
with all the prayers for healing throughout the
that "all shall be well"
financial and temporal security during the healing
the purpose of illness and "dis-ease"
is this recording useful for people of any age?
works well for any one of any outlook or spiritual
for those who are ill, depressed or recovering:
at home, in eldercare, hospital or hospice
inclusive, non-threatening, and soothing!
promotes healing of body, mind, and spirit!
frame of mind, and sense of participation in the
healing process.
for enhancing one-on-one visits, or to pop in the
player after a visit by a professional, family member
or caregiver
...Beneficial for any one of any
age, outlook or spiritual path!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
and Songs for Elders
Stories/Singalongs in Four Volumes
1: |
Ruby & Grandpa Raymond Consider a New Routine |
2: |
& Me |
3: |
Bad Day! |
4: |
Reverend Judi & Bolderdash the Church Cat
Large Print book, CD or cassette
Available Soon in video
A unique, innovative, affordable,
new set of materials!
Click above to see...
story descriptions & songlists for each volume.
Check out how motivational these
stories are for elders,
and see how this series' accompanying singalongs group
together the most beloved old songs!
Designed to be used with elders
in eldercare settings
members & caregivers
in home, eldercare, hospital settings

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Books/Memory Boxes
A Reminiscence Series for the Elderly with Memorabilia,
Discussions & Singalong
in Four Volumes!
Now in:
Volume 1 Large Print Book
Soon in:
Volume 1 CD and Cassette
Volume 2-4 Large Print Book, CD, and Cassette
This series has it all!
A unique, innovative, affordable new set of materials...
Click above to see descriptions of
each volume's topics & songlists. You'll want to
see all these great topics and songs!
Designed to be used with Elders
in eldercare settings
members & caregivers
in home, eldercare, hospital and hospice settings
Makes a great gift to someone you
For an anniversary, birthday, Valentine's Day, Grandparents'
Day, Mother's Day, Father's day-
or any day!
Those Healing/Dealing with Serious Illness |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Has Come Down at Christmas
by Michael D. Purvis, BME
An Uplifting Book which Focuses upon the Thankfulness,
Joy, Transformation and Mystery
which is present in our Christmas-time Journey.
Now in book, CD and cassette
Available Soon in:
a joy Christmas is! How, as children, we looked
forward to it. But as adults, sometimes the weight of
the world interferes, and Christmas may even come to
be associated with painful memories of events which
happened near or during Christmas-time in recent years.
Or, we may simply not have the heart to experience the
joy of Christmas due to things which happened at any
time, during any year- even long ago.
is when this happens that we must renew our thankfulness,
and open to the joy and the mystery which is the Christmas
For, no matter what sad events have occurred, no matter
how upset or depressed we may be (or have recently been),
Christmas is our chance to reconnect with God, with
ourselves, with joy, mystery, and each other. It, like
Easter, is a wonderful chance for transformation!
is why the story of Mr. Scrooge in Charles Dickens'
wonderful book, A Christmas Carol, is so appealing to
all of us; for we know, down deep, that Christmas truly
is a transformational journey. We
love to watch joy, love and thankfulness surface in
Dickens' character, Mr. Scrooge, because we know that
to a great degree, he is all of us. So, dear reader,
here is a little book about transformation to all of
these things for we modern folk. It is my prayer for
you that no matter where or when it is you may be reading
this book, you may have the transformation you need.
May this Christmas bring to you all the mystery, joy,
connection and love you are longing for! And, in the
words of Tiny Tim:
bless us, every one!"

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
for Healing
with Michael D. Purvis, BME
A Musical, Affirmational, Soothing, Healing Journey
which is for People of all Outlooks and Spiritual Paths
and which Helps any one Become a Part of their own Healing
Process of Body, Mind and Spirit!
Now in
CD, Cassette
Let author, poet and composer
Michael D. Purvis take those you work with, love or
care for (or even you, yourself!) on a musical, affirmational,
healing journey which empowers the listener to:
for healing, affirm/pray for healing (in an inclusive
with all the prayers for healing throughout the
that "all shall be well"
financial and temporal security during the healing
the purpose of illness and "dis-ease"
is this recording useful for people of any age?
works well for any one of any outlook or spiritual
for those who are ill, depressed or recovering:
at home, in eldercare, hospital or hospice
inclusive, non-threatening, and soothing!
promotes healing of body, mind, and spirit!
frame of mind, and sense of participation in the
healing process.
for enhancing one-on-one visits, or to pop in the
player after a visit by a professional, family member
or caregiver
...Beneficial for any one of any
age, outlook or spiritual path!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Great Journey
by Michael D. Purvis, BME
Uplifting Book for those Dealing with Serious Illness,
their Families and Caregivers, about the Transitional
Journey and its Meaning for all who Experience it.
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
this book, author, illustrator, motivational and inspirational
performer, recording artist, and life-long seeker of
universal spiritual truth, Michael D. Purvis, takes
those who are (or may be) moving toward transition to
the afterlife, their families and caregivers, on a wonderful
and affirming journey in which he shares a simple, universal
message. The text, complete with beautiful original
illustrations is comforting and has been supported by
the accounts of numerous Near Death Experiences and
the research of many doctors and professionals in the
fields of Healthcare and Spirituality.
message is about life
God is love, we are eternal, and our lives here
on earth and our transition to the afterlife is one
unified, love- filled journey. We are connected and
can feel each other's presence during our lives, during
our transitions, and after our transitions.
the message is about what we call "death"
We do not die- not really. We are all swimming in
love. That is what God is and that is what we are. We
need not be afraid of death, for we are never really
"gone." Our lives and our journeys are connected,
and we will always be. For this connection with each
other and with God (as each of us conceives of God)
is the power of love and our true destiny as humans
and as souls.

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Songs of Spirit and Humanity
A beautiful collection of original
songs about life, humanity and spirit! Written, orchestrated,
and performed by Michael D. Purvis
CD, Cassette, and with accompanying
large print booklet
Here are some ideas how you might
use this recording:
For an individual:
Within is perfect for individual prayer, meditation,
or relaxing meditative listening enjoyment...
A professional, caregiver or family
member might pop this recording in the player for someone
in hospital, long-term care, or hospice to listen to
after a one-on-one visit!
For a group:
The lyrics are thought provoking, and could be the subject
of a discussion with a group.
Adult Sunday School Class
Adult Discussion Group
A Group of Elderly Folks
A Group of Young Adults
Church Youth Group

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
of Spirit and Humanity
A Beautiful Large Print Book of Poems with a 40 Page
Section of Color Art Prints! and a Lovely Poetry Recording
format with Soothing Music
now in:
CD, Cassette, and Large Print
Book with Forty Page Color Art Print Section
Do you, someone you love, or someone
in your care
who gravitate toward the spiritual?
Poems of Spirit and Humanity is
perfect enrichment material...
for a special prayer time or bible study. Its recurrent
theme of the soul searching for God and Spirit will
strike a familiar chord in all who are seekers after
God and His love.
In the recording of this work:
Michael reads his poetry in a clear, expressive voice.
Poems are interspersed with beautiful original musical
Regarding the large print book:
Spiritually-oriented individuals of any age will enjoy
reading it. Activity
Directors, Social Workers, Pastors
and Chaplains, family members and caregivers will want
to use it
as a resource for group work and one on one visits with
those in home care, long-term care, hospital and hospice

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
A New Musical Genre!
A Unique, New CD/Cassette
Composer Michael D. Purvis and spiritual visionary Rev.
Jackie Martin have created a new genre of music: "Spirit-Music."
Now in
CD, Cassette
Michael and Jackie created this
entire CD by allowing themselves to be led by Spirit!
No plans were made for the recording
of this music...
they simply sat down in the studio and let Spirit "speak".
The result is truly amazing and beautiful music!
You will especially enjoy the
"spirit language" which leapt out of their
and the music of the Spirit Harp, a new instrument
which Jackie created, and which both Michael and Jackie
play on this wonderful, uplifting recording.
Great for before, during, or after
prayer or meditation time... or just for joyful everyday
Young Adults |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Most Unusual Boy
A Fable of Spiritual Discovery and Life-lessons
for Young Adults who Desire to Keep the Heart and Spirit
Open to Guidance from Within!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
A boy whose father was a sojourner,
a traveler, a lifelong seeker and student of humanity
and wisdom is now a young man....
On the verge of manhood, he sets out to trace his father's
footsteps, and see what he can learn.
Armed with gifts from many, with
an innate ability to notice thoughtfully all he encounters
and to trust his guidance from within...
he sets off on a magical journey, trusting, learning,
and finding his truth and destiny along the way.
He seems indeed, a most unusual
and has a great deal to teach us, as we follow his journey.
Young adults, adults, and youths
alike will delight in this magical book of personal
and mystical discovery!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
of Longing
A Story for all those on the Road of Life… about Rites
of Passage for a Beloved Son and his Widowed Father
and Openness to Guidance from Within!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette
By the side of the highway, a widowed
father sits alone in the control room, behind the lone
microphone of a tiny rural, radio station...
He alone spins the records and is the
sole voice.
In between speaking and spinning...
he thinks of all he has lost in his life- his wife,
his career, perhaps his hope.
What series of fates have brought
him to this desolate rural setting?
Then, seemingly out of the blue,
comes the approach of his beloved son's departure for
college and entry into the world...
In the light of this departure,
he realizes
this tower and all it symbolizes does indeed now seem
to have taken on a new meaning...
Adults and young adults alike will
delight in this magical book of personal and mystical

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
a Solitary Life
A Journal which Contemplates
becoming a Contemplative Solitary
Now in book, CD and cassette
Available Soon in:
was a time in my life when I was a young man, and very
earnestly searching for God. It was a very lonely
time for me, and the church, with its monastic traditions,
eremitic traditions, contemplative tradition, prayer
life, sacramentals, great saints and contemplatives
appealed to me and comforted me a great deal. They still
am on a broader, more universal spiritual path now,
and decidedly not a solitary one. And yet, I feel
that the journals I recorded during this period are
of value to me and to those who might be on their own
journey, wrestling with a life of contemplation, eremeticism,
prayer or priesthood.
so, I offer them humbly, to serve whatever positive
purpose they might offer to seekers. Of course,
you will find them highly influenced by Thomas Merton,
for I had read, during this period in my life, his Seven
Story Mountain, and other books by and about him.
I made a trip to Gethsemene Monastery, where he lived
and had his hermitage, which I was blessed to see and
wish you, dear reader, all the fruit that your journey
into the life of the spirit might offer. I bless
and affirm your spiritual process, and know for you
that it will create a life of peace, service and fulfillment,
if you do your wrestling, praying, contemplating and
growing, as seekers must do. In truth, all humans must
do this, for we are all seekers, whether we are aware
of it or not! Peace and love to each of you. "All
shall be well," as the famous mystic has said.
Go with God.
Written, Illustrated,
and Photographed
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Maiden Who Was Too Sensitive
for this World
A Story for Youths, Young
Adults and Adults
in which a Young Maiden Goes out into the World
and finds Inner Strength, Divine Guidance,
Reconciliation and Transformation
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
Maiden who was too Sensitive for this World
has something of the fable in it, but it is a story
for our times, and has a great deal to say to people
of our day, young or old. Youths and young adults
will enjoy the "going out into the world"
aspect of the story, and be excited by the possibilities
for "anything is possible" which it represents.
Adults will enjoy being transported back to youth, when
life just begins and the journey is new. All will thrill
to the vision of a world which is changed for the better
by the young maiden, the events she encounters, her
openness to her inner self and the Divine, and the courageous,
life-enhancing decisions she makes, based upon guidance
from within.
guidance comes to her in the form of three guardian
spirits: that of her earthly father, her guardian
angel, and the spirit of God. Oh, if we all could all
be so trusting, open and courageous as our young maiden
as regards guidance from within
Well, perhaps
we can! We are never to young or to old to learn, grow,
and be guided. We are never too old to transform our
lives, relationships or world, as this delightful story
sit down in a comfortable chair, relax, open your mind
and heart, and prepare to experience a world of youth,
optimism, personal and planetary transformation in this
delightful tale!
Youths |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Most Unusual Boy
A Fable of Spiritual Discovery and Life-lessons
for Young Adults who Desire to Keep the Heart and Spirit
Open to Guidance from Within!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
A boy whose father was a sojourner,
a traveler, a lifelong seeker and student of humanity
and wisdom is now a young man....
On the verge of manhood, he sets out to trace his father's
footsteps, and see what he can learn.
Armed with gifts from many, with
an innate ability to notice thoughtfully all he encounters
and to trust his guidance from within...
he sets off on a magical journey, trusting, learning,
and finding his truth and destiny along the way.
He seems indeed, a most unusual
and has a great deal to teach us, as we follow his journey.
Young adults, adults, and youths
alike will delight in this magical book of personal
and mystical discovery!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Saves the Day
A Fable for
Youths and the Young at Heart
about the Importance of Music and the Arts
to People and the World.
Available Now in
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
In a beautiful kingdom by the
sea, lived a people to whom music and the arts were
the most important thing in the land...
Everything beautiful in their world! Oh, they
were very happy!
All was blessed indeed, until
one day...
the evil sorcerer who lived in the craggy depths, in
the damp dark cave at the bottom of the cliff at the
edge of the kingdom, finally had enough of all the music
and laughter in this musical kingdom.
For, if the truth be told...
the music he heard coming from the kingdom made his
tummy ache.
"Someday, someday,"
he would cry...
"I'll make their instrument strings go plunk and
"I'll turn their melodious voices
to gravely rasps!" he would seethe.
"But how to do it?" the old
sorcerer mused.
Will the sorcerer be successful?...
Or will music "Save the Day?"
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Top and Big Red
A story for Children and Youths about the qualities
in us that really matter!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD and audio cassette
When a young boy, who has always
been raised to believe he is special and very good receives
some teasing at school over his red hair,
it is an opportunity for learning some tough lessons
about the nature of the world.
Through learning to trust wisdom
from his mother and father, and embracing his own fortitude,
our young protagonist, Eddie, comes to truly understand
the words of his beloved grandmother, who always said,
'The Lord works in mysterious ways!"
In the past, he hadn't really understood what she
meant when she said this (and she said it quite often!)
But now, when he thinks about his trouble with the boys
at school who call him "Carrot-Top," and how a special
Show and Tell and a beloved, big red dog have helped
him to make friends, he thinks maybe he understands
just a little of what his grandmother meant.
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Maiden Who Was Too Sensitive
for this World
A Story for Youths, Young
Adults and Adults
in which a Young Maiden Goes out into the World
and finds Inner Strength, Divine Guidance,
Reconciliation and Transformation
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
Maiden who was too Sensitive for this World
has something of the fable in it, but it is a story
for our times, and has a great deal to say to people
of our day, young or old. Youths and young adults
will enjoy the "going out into the world"
aspect of the story, and be excited by the possibilities
for "anything is possible" which it represents.
Adults will enjoy being transported back to youth, when
life just begins and the journey is new. All will thrill
to the vision of a world which is changed for the better
by the young maiden, the events she encounters, her
openness to her inner self and the Divine, and the courageous,
life-enhancing decisions she makes, based upon guidance
from within.
guidance comes to her in the form of three guardian
spirits: that of her earthly father, her guardian
angel, and the spirit of God. Oh, if we all could all
be so trusting, open and courageous as our young maiden
as regards guidance from within
Well, perhaps
we can! We are never to young or to old to learn, grow,
and be guided. We are never too old to transform our
lives, relationships or world, as this delightful story
sit down in a comfortable chair, relax, open your mind
and heart, and prepare to experience a world of youth,
optimism, personal and planetary transformation in this
delightful tale!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Mother Duck and the Mayor
Who Understood Love
A story for children, youths
and the young at heart which helps to promote love,
tolerance, and appreciation of diversity
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
world is increasingly diverse, and increasingly in need
of love and tolerance. If we could only see what
a blessing it is that we are all different, have different
beliefs, and come from different cultures, places and
life paths. The Mother Duck and the Mayor who Understood
Love is a wonderful little story which illustrates
this point in a delightful, sensible way. Oh, if we
all had the sense of our mother duck! She is an inspiration
to us all. Perhaps there is an "inner mother duck"
and gifted, conciliatory mayor within all of us just
waiting to come out and bless and heal our world.
Children |

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
& Me
A Story about a Wonderful Grandma
and her Beloved Grandson, as she moves from Assisted
Living to Healthcare!
Now in:
book, CD, or audio cassette
Available soon in video
Sometimes children need a little
help making the adjustment when someone they love very
much, such as a grandparent, goes through life changes...
This wonderful story shows
how love, concern, flexibility, and patience help all
concerned to deal with a beloved grandmother's progression
of care as she ages.
It ends with a wonderful singalong
filled with songs that any Grandparent would love to
share with their grandchildren.
Grandparents will enjoy explaining
to their grandchildren
that the songs in the accompanying singalong were the
songs they used to sing with their own parents
when they were children.
This story is delightful, and the
singalong is great fun!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Bad Day
Some Cub Scouts Help a Grumpy Grandpa Adjust to a
move to a Nursing Home.
Available Now in:
book, CD, or audio cassette
Available Soon in video
Sometimes children need a little
help making the adjustment when someone they love very
much, such as a grandparent, goes through life changes...
This wonderful story shows
how love, concern, flexibility, patience, and the spontaneity
of children help a grandfather to deal with his progression
of care.
Why is this such a wonderful story
for children?
The very crux of this tale is that it is the faith,
innocence and energy of youth that ultimately persuades
our "grumpy grandpa" to "jump back into
life," after a bit of a rocky start in a new life
at a nursing home.
Grandparents will enjoy explaining
to their grandchildren
that the songs in the accompanying singalong were the
songs they used to sing with their own parents when
they were children.
This story is delightful, and the
singalong is great fun!

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
the Field Mouse
and the Song of the Corn
A Delightful, Poetic Story for Children (Young and
Old, Big and Small) which Encourages Love for the Arts
and Concern for the Environment.
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
Each night, Uncle Charlie the
Field Mouse
tells the little field mice who are yet too young
to work in the fields of the wonderful corn concerts
and the beautiful Song of the Corn,
as they sit by Aunt Beatrice Mouse's fireside before
bedtime. He sings in his beautiful Irish Tenor Voice,
the Song that Autumn Corn sings to the grown mice after
their day of gathering the scraps from the farmer's
Then one day, rumors begin to
of a big change coming to the farm. Ominous whisperings
frighten Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Charlie. They try to
keep talk of something new called a strip-mall, and
the possible sale of the farm from the ears of the little
Could the beautiful way of life
the mice an all on the farm have known and loved be
coming to an end?
What is to become of them all?
The animals gather together and cooperate like never
before, and try to decide what to do, as the familiar
singing of the corn fills the autumn air.
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Top and Big Red
A story for Children and Youths about the qualities
in us that really matter!
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD and audio cassette
When a young boy, who has always
been raised to believe he is special and very good receives
some teasing at school over his red hair,
it is an opportunity for learning some tough lessons
about the nature of the world.
Through learning to trust wisdom
from his mother and father, and embracing his own fortitude,
our young protagonist, Eddie, comes to truly understand
the words of his beloved grandmother, who always said,
'The Lord works in mysterious ways!"
In the past, he hadn't really understood what she
meant when she said this (and she said it quite often!)
But now, when he thinks about his trouble with the boys
at school who call him "Carrot-Top," and how a special
Show and Tell and a beloved, big red dog have helped
him to make friends, he thinks maybe he understands
just a little of what his grandmother meant.
Written and Illustrated
by Michael D. Purvis

for info, ordering, excerpt, and
audio sample
Mother Duck and the Mayor
Who Understood Love
A story for children, youths
and the young at heart which helps to promote love,
tolerance, and appreciation of diversity
Now in book
Available Soon in:
CD, audio cassette, and video
world is increasingly diverse, and increasingly in need
of love and tolerance. If we could only see what
a blessing it is that we are all different, have different
beliefs, and come from different cultures, places and
life paths. The Mother Duck and the Mayor who Understood
Love is a wonderful little story which illustrates
this point in a delightful, sensible way. Oh, if we
all had the sense of our mother duck! She is an inspiration
to us all. Perhaps there is an "inner mother duck"
and gifted, conciliatory mayor within all of us just
waiting to come out and bless and heal our world.
the Author...
D. Purvis, BME, is a graduate of Jordan College of Fine Arts, Butler
University. A lifelong student and seeker of truth, Mr. Purvis authors
books, composes music, and makes recordings for those seeking spiritual
and practical guidance for their life-journey. Michael's materials
are designed to aid readers and listeners in getting clear about
their individual purpose, and thus enable them to move in the direction
of a life of meaning, purpose, abundance, and service. Michael has
seen in his own experience how clarity, sincere desire, purity of
intention, and consistent effort can truly move one in the direction
of significant positive change, and he wants to share this message
with the world....CLICK
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