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An excerpt taken from...
40 Ways to be Happier, More Filled with Love, and More Abundantly Blessed! 40 Ways to be Happier, More Filled with Love, and More Abundantly Blessed!
70 page book with many beautiful color illustrations by the author, or read by the author on CD or Cassette
Do you really want a change in your life? Would you like to achieve your dreams? Would you like to learn how to become a force for love, joy and healing for yourself and your world? This book will help you learn how to let go of what is holding you back, achieve clarity, and begin to manifest your highest good! Great for daily meditation or general reading!


Ilustrations by Michael D. Purvis (c) 2002

Remember that what happened in your past is not who you are. If you are suffering inside from some anguish, old or new, make an effort to let go of this thing which ties your psyche and spirit up in knots. Realize it is illusory and holds no real power over you.

Further, having resolved to release that particular anguish which eats up so much of your energy, creativity, and love, begin next to let go of all the negative memory tapes which play over and over
in your mind.

You know them. They are the ones that say:

"I'm so afraid . . . "
"What if such and such happens . . . ?"
"I should have . . . "
"Why didn't I . . . ?"
"If only I had. . . " and
"Now I'll never be able to . . ."

Etc., etc., etc., on and on they go! In letting go of these, you will begin to align your spirit with that of love. As this alignment occurs, begin very gently but ardently to turn toward love and embrace it completely. Do this even if you feel that you yourself are not worthy. Do this even if others have hurt you, or if you have hurt others. Do this even if you suspect the world you inhabit is beyond redemption.

Why do this? Do it because God and His Love is quite different than one might suppose. He (or She- think of God as you wish) is far more approachable, loving and forgiving than we imagine. Do this because a little seed of love is enough for a sweeping transformation inside of you and throughout the whole world.

Remember that God forgives all and sees you in innocence. See yourself this way now, and extend this same gift to others. See your brothers and sisters in innocence as God does. See the diamond that is there, was there all along underneath the coatings and layers of dust, darkness, fear, and shame. Let go of all the negativity which enslaves your spirit, and strive to make love the motivating factor behind all your thoughts, actions, intentions, words and deeds.

Admittedly, this is a difficult thing to do; but if you and even a few others can manage it, the energy of love this creates, will free and transform the entire world. This is so because whether we realize it or not, we are all connected!

"That is all well and good," you say, "but how does one accomplish this; how does one even begin?" What you will read in the following pages are a few suggestions, a few things learned on the road, a few ideas which might help you to begin to plant your spirit and your life firmly in the ground of love.

If we can become firmly rooted in love and remove negative obstacles, we will, I believe, quite naturally find ourselves in a path of abundance and divine flow. This is a path where our dreams and intentions, because they are aligned with love and unimpeded by negativity, frequently manifest in a manner which we previously would have called miraculous. Further, when we are able to accomplish this for ourselves, we extend it to the world because of our spiritual connection to our fellow humans.

What we all must realize, in order to save ourselves and our world, is that what The Bible and many other books of scripture say is true: "God is Love!" Now when we remove the negative thoughts, feelings and actions which put a barrier between ourselves and God (or our neighbor), we feel a wondrous love. Having felt this love, we realize, even if only for a moment, that we truly are not separate from each other or from God. We know it, that is, until some petty thought, argument, desire, or jealousy creeps in to shade our eyes again. This situation reminds me vividly of the New Testament scripture which states "For now we see in a mirror darkly . . ." Could it actually be that there really is no separation between ourselves and God, ourselves and our neighbor? If we all were to accept this hypothesis, would it not radically change us and our world?

So let us assume (and I know this is a big leap for some of us) that we can at least envision there being no separation between us, God, and our neighbor, and that this might have a great effect upon us and our world. Having gotten that far, let us not quibble over whether or not this means that we actually are God or not. Humanity could fight over this doctrinal question till the cows come home! Let us, instead, simply content ourselves by agreeing that we can at least envision
no separation, and that certainly we want there to be nothing which separates us from the love of God. Few, I hope, would disagree with this!

Love, we might also agree, is powerful. We have all seen love works miracles. The Course in Miracles suggests that one miracle is not bigger or harder to accomplish than the next. Now if we can envision no separation, and desire it, and if we know in our hearts that God is the great Miracle Worker, then might not our own access to miracles be greater than we might imagine?

What grand miracles, both spiritual and (seemingly) temporal, might be accomplished through this newly embraced understanding of our connected-ness to God and our neighbor? Might not miracles become a part of every day experience for each of us? And if miracles were to happen as a matter of course in each day, might not the term miracle even become archaic, because it would no longer accurately describe our experience?

If a critical mass of humans believed in connected-ness and began to let this knowledge transform their lives, is it not conceivable that this newly accepted truth could be the seed-bank for humanity's transformation?

I think at the very least, that this is a powerful new possibility worth exploring. There have been saints and sages upon the earth who have believed this; but never has there been a critical mass of souls striving to put this belief into practice. Never before has there been the level of technology and communication we have today on earth, or the ability for spiritual truth to be disseminated to the world so easily and so quickly.
We live in a truly amazing time when there is a great potential for healing and union or division and destruction. What will we humans make of this turning point in history?

It has taken me a long time to come to the conclusions and questions listed above. I had to learn many lessons during the course of my life's journey, lessons which would prepare my spirit to be planted in the ground of love. I am still learning! Sometimes, like the rest of humanity, I take one step forward and two steps back. Yet I do believe overall that I am growing; and I am listening for God's voice, the voice of love.

Perhaps as you read this book you will remember things you have learned in your own life-journey. Perhaps you will want to jot down your own realizations. I encourage you to do so! That's how this book began, with stopping to take stock of things I have learned and jotting them down.

This book has become a synthesis of all I have absorbed and found to be true, a synthesis of all that keeps me walking on the road towards love. If I visualize the creation of this book, it is as though I see myself walking down the road, traveling toward Oz or some other yearned for mythical city. Then I see myself pause, sit down beside the road on a large comfortable boulder, and jot down what I have found to be most helpful and beneficial on my journey.

The stopping and taking stock is so important for all of us. I hope my words are inspiring for you. Keep what resonates with you, set aside what does not; but file what does not resonate right now away in your heart and mind, for you may find some of it useful at a later date in your life. I know that this strategy has proved beneficial to me in my own reading and study.

I do sincerely hope that you will add your own truth. If you want to scribble your own thoughts in the margins, go ahead. I won't mind! We are all writing a book together, you know. I think each of our lives is a chapter. Somehow it all fits together. I hope you enjoy this account of what I have learned in my own little chapter, my own experience of life. Digest it, scribble notes, agree, disagree- discourse is good! That's how we learn. It isn't antithetical to love. We must all allow each other to learn, grow and perceive in the way that's right for each of us.

I do sincerely hope that you will add your own truth. If you want to scribble your own thoughts in the margins, go ahead. I won't mind! We are all writing a book together, you know. I think each of our lives is a chapter. Somehow it all fits together. I hope you enjoy this account of what I have learned in my own little chapter, my own experience of life. Digest it, scribble notes, agree, disagree- discourse is good! That's how we learn. It isn't antithetical to love. We must all allow each other to learn, grow and perceive in the way that's right for each of us.

My greatest hope is not that you will come to believe just as I do, but that you will come to feel that your own journey's lessons are important, to you and to our planet.

I hope this little book will become a spring-board for taking stock of your own life: where you are, what your truth is, and where you are going. I send you my prayer that you may always be headed in the direction of love. Or perhaps more accurately, my prayer is that no matter what occurs in the course of your journey, you may know that your constant partner on the road is God, who I believe is the spirit of love.

Many truths and realizations can help us toward this knowledge. And I believe that when we learn to live fully in this knowledge, we will be truly happy, and most abundantly blessed.

So let's begin . . .

Ilustrations by Michael D. Purvis (c) 2002


We are swimming in God and His Love. He is in us and around us. He is not, in my belief, a mean, old man sitting up in heaven waiting to punish us for the slightest infraction. (This sounds absurd doesn't it!- So why down deep do so many of us fear that God is such a being?)


© 2001, Michael Purvis. All rights reserved.

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